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VIDEO: Queens Perspectives Presents: Office of Immigrant Affairs with Director Carmencita N. Gutierrez

Queens Perspectives

The Queens County District Attorney’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (QDA OIA) was established by District Attorney Richard A. Brown in January 2015 to address the unique concerns of immigrants and new Americans as they navigate our legal system. The Office of Immigrant Affairs was created because the District Attorney recognized that in this diverse community of Queens County, many immigrant victims of crime found it challenging to get help in seeking justice. Director Carmencita N. Gutierrez is a daughter of Colombian Immigrants. She along with the OIA staff, liaisons and foreign language attaches, are here to help navigate the system. Tune in as QPTV’s Roslyn Nieves talks with Director Carmencita N. Gutierrez as she addresses the unique concerns of immigrants such as language barriers, cultural differences, fear of immigration repercussions, and a distrust of government.